Project Zomboid: How to Barricade Doors and Windows | Project Zomboid

2022-09-09 20:06:36 By :

In order to survive the horrors of Project Zomboid, you'll need to make sure you have a well-fortified base, and that includes knowing how to barricade doors and windows. Zombies will attempt to break into your base at night to get the jump on you while you're asleep, leaving you with little time to react or defend yourself.

In this Project Zomboid guide, we'll tell you how to go about barricading your doors and windows to keep zombies from getting inside your base.

There are three different kinds of barricades in Project Zomboid:

Sheet metal and metal are identical in strength, with 5,000HP each, but they require different materials. Wooden barricades have 1,000HP per wooden plank. The required materials to make each of these three barricades are:

To set up a barricade, right-click a door or window and select "Barricade" from the menu that appears, after which you can select what kind of barricade you'd like to create.

The required materials to create door and wall barricades can all be found in various places throughout the wide world of Project Zomboid. All of the areas where these specific items can be found are listed below:

As you can tell, the hardware store is probably a good place to start. Luckily, hammers, welder masks, and propane torches are not consumed when used, so you don't need to worry about constantly looking out for more of those to take. Nails, planks, and metal on the other hand, you will need to find more for every barricade you set up.

That's all you should need to know about how to barricade doors and windows in Project Zomboid. If you're interested in learning more about this survival game, consider checking out our other guides in our guides hub.